AIS Green procurement commitment

In response to the escalating global concerns about climate change, resource depletion, ecosystem degradation, and other environmental issues, AIS acknowledges the mounting pressure and expectations to mitigate the environmental impact of our business operations.

Our overarching objective is to foster a more sustainable society by advocating for global production practices that minimize the environmental footprint of products throughout their entire life cycle.

In pursuit of this goal, AIS is committed to practicing green procurement, which entails sourcing products and services that impose minimal environmental burdens. We prioritize suppliers who adopt responsible environmental practices, emphasizing the judicious use of materials, preservation of ecosystems, energy efficiency, enhanced durability, resource conservation, ease of recycling, disassembly, and proper disposal.

Mission of green procurement

AIS firmly recognizes the urgent need to protect and preserve the Earth's environment, considering it one of the most significant challenges confronting humankind. To contribute to this cause, AIS endeavors to support environmentally friendly products.

Therefore, our green procurement mission encompasses the following objectives:

1.Reduce the utilization of hazardous substances.
2.Conserve Earth's resources.
3.Minimize transportation and packaging.
4.Promote transparency by disclosing relevant information.